Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

Students ‘Self-Assess’ Their Way to Learning – Education Week Schools teach kids to self-assess work to bring more metacognition to the classroom @edweek #edchat #teaching tags: edchat teaching twitter favorite ExploreLearning...

Flashbacks from Italy

I know. I have not written anything in a few weeks. However, if you are curious, you can pop over to EdTech Researcher and see all of the academic things that I have been writing. Next week, make sure to follow the EdTechTeacher blog as I will be LIVE blogging...

Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

Content vs. Skills in High Schools: 21st Century Arguments Echo 19th Century Conflicts | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Great post from Larry Cuban about what’s old is back. tags: schools reform How Transforming Materials Can Maximize...