I know. I have not written anything in a few weeks. However, if you are curious, you can pop over to EdTech Researcher and see all of the academic things that I have been writing. Next week, make sure to follow the EdTechTeacher blog as I will be LIVE blogging sessions from our iPad Summit in Boston.

However, the purpose of this post is to share a few videos. I was honored to have been invited to Perugia and then Rome back at the end of October. In Perugia, I presented alongside the amazing Gertjan Kleinpaste and Domizio Baldini as part of an event called High V@ltage! You can get a sense of it from this YouTube video.

From Perugia, I went back to Rome as a speaker with the US Embassy. Did you know that our US Embassies do amazing work with libraries around the world? They do. Anyways, they asked me to speak about the role of gaming in libraries and learning. Before giving a talk at the University, I did this web cast with Giovanni.

I just sent a new post over to Edutopia, so I should have more content to post here soon.


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