The 4Ss of Note-Taking With Technology

Recently, a number of articles have surfaced reporting the ineffectiveness of note taking with laptops, in keeping with the...

App Smashing, Milgrim Makers, & Cognitive Apprenticeship Decoded

Earlier this morning, Greg Kulowiec (@gregkulowiec) shared his thinking that AppSmashing needs a reboot.  Whereas the original...

The Best App for Your Coursework Isn't a Single App

Which app is best for coursework depends on the tasks students will perform and the skills you want them to develop. A few years...

Design Thinking and PBL

While project-based learning has existed for decades, design thinking has recently entered the education lexicon, even though...

Note Taking: my most popular “innovative” topic

Of all the things that I have written, my posts on note taking have received the most attention!

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