When I started with EdTechTeacher last summer, one of the requests that Tom Daccord made was for me to present at 5-7 regional conferences in the next 10 months. Back in November, I presented virtually at the Global Education Conference. This past March, I co-presented with elementary teacher extraordinaire, Suzy Brooks, at the EdTechTeacher winter conference – Leading Change in Changing Times. On Wednesday (May 2nd), I took the plunge and presented solo at the Easter Seals/MASSMATCH Assistive Tech Expo.

In the past few months, as I have worked with more and more elementary school teachers looking to integrate the iPad in their classrooms, my focus has increasingly turned to reading. Through the Universal Access features, text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities, the built-in microphone and camera, as well as the multiple modalities presented to interact with text, the iPad really has the potential to redefine reading and reading instruction. That’s the background on how I came up with the concept of iAccess – Leveraging the iPad to Create Custom Learning Experiences. If you’re interested, you can download a PDF version of my slides or check out the Google Presentation below. At some point, I may try to podcast it.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”presentation/embed” query=”id=1Ko1k5EuneBwH1N7gJs_y8Ipdstti0eRvLx4piM_TS4w&start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000″ width=”500″ height=”404″ /]

I’ve written before about how I didn’t initially buy into the whole iPad concept. However, I’m now a complete believer. For even more proof, come join Tracy Sockalosky and I next week for our webinar (May 10th at 4:00 pm EST):

Leveraging iPads, laptops, and other technologies to differentiate learning & teaching.

Better yet, come spend 2 days with us this summer at Harvard!

July 19-20: Integrating iPads, Laptops, and Digital Tools to Create Differentiated Learning Environments

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