I’ve been writing a lot lately, just not necessarily here on my own blog. There have been a few sporadic posts, but primarily, my focus has been on other publications such as Edutopia and Edudemic. In working on a project for EdTechTeacher, I just started playing with Readlists. While this isn’t a new tool, it also isn’t one that I have spent much time exploring – until now.

In a matter of seconds, I curated several of my most recent articles into a new Readlist (no account needed). From there, I could generated an embed code – which won’t work on this blog right now – as well as the ability to send my curation directly to my iPad as an ePub file that can be read and annotated in iBooks, Kindle, Nook, or Subtext.

You can view my list here and then download it as whatever file you like to consume on your mobile device. What a cool way for a teacher to curate and disseminate custom content to students to consume on mobile devices!

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