The Backstory of "Fitting in PBL"

This year, Greg Kulowiec and I added a Project Based Learning (PBL) module to our EdTechTeacher T21 Online Courses. While reading through the discussions, I found two recurring themes of interest: There was still a lot of confusion about the difference between Project...

Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

Digestive System Choose Your Own Adventure P2 2015 – YouTube Great example of a Choose Your Own Adventure instructional video by @MrsCarterSHS #ettgoogle #edtech tags: ettgoogle edtech twitter favorite Book Creator World History Student...

Supporting Struggling Readers with Technology

I apologize. This post was inspired by Twitter conversation with a thoughtful high school educator. I remember that much. However, I don’t remember who I was talking to when I engaged in the conversation. If you read this, please refresh my memory. I apologize...

"Fitting In" PBL

Regularly, teachers tell me that they don’t feel as though they have time for project-based learning (PBL). While they like the idea in theory, they can’t see a way to realistically “fit it in” with their curriculum given constraints of time,...

Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

7 Tips for Successful Portfolio Conferences – Work in Progress – Education Week Teacher 7 Tips for Successful Portfolio Conferences via @edweekteacher #faday #spnd475 @brholland tags: faday spnd475 twitter favorite Posted from Diigo....