Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

Face-to-Face vs. Online Learning: Why Is It Either/Or? | Edutopia Fantastic post that lays out a vision and an opportunity to online learning. tags: pedagogy 1:1 Edutopia elearning blended learning Use Google Drawings for brain-friendly visual notetaking | Ditch That...

Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

What Will Digital Portfolios Mean for College-Bound Students? | MindShift | KQED News What Will Digital Portfolios Mean for College-Bound Students? #digiportfolios tags: digiportfolios twitter favorite The Six Core Principles of Improvement...

Resources added to Diigo (weekly)

Teaching, Revising, and Assessing Digital Writing Excellent points about assessment from Troy Hicks. Need to look at the process in addition to the final product. A standard rubric is no longer sufficient. tags: writing learning assessment formative assessment...

Why I like a Stylus

I started this conversation via Twitter with @DimitrisTzouris and realized that I needed more than 140 characters. So, here’s my answer to Dimitris… My one frustration with “touch screens” that do not have real inking capabilities is that they...