NAIS (the National Association for Independent Schools) is having a video competition. We have until winter break, December 16th, to make a submission. As a section, you are going to create a video that we will publish on the St. Mike’s YouTube site, creating a bit of a competition. The video that gets the most views, likes, and shares before Christmas will be submitted to NAIS for the competition.

Under the theme, “My school is awesome because…” the contest seeks to discover what is unique about your school. It also intends to spread a positive message about all independent schools, by helping them define their unique characteristics and benefits in a way that will appeal to current and prospective students and parents.

Take a look at the video below (you’ve probably already seen it). It has already been viewed 7,759,727 times! Why do you think it was able to go viral? What is it that has made so many people pass it on? What types of videos do you typically pass on? What do you look for? Organize yourselves into groups of 3-4 and brainstorm how you think we might be able to make a video. Remember, right now, there are no bad ideas! We will share these ideas during the next class and then make a plan. There is only one catch: NO COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. You’ll have to put your Creative Commons hats back on again.


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