You are on a mission. By the time you have completed your science unit on Global Warming, you will have created a video news story about a specific region of the world. Mrs. Magruder and Mrs. Carrellas have put you in groups and assigned you a focus. We will create your news story by working through a specific process: Research, Oral Presentation, Script writing, Filming, Video Production.
For now, we are going to focus on the research phase. Here’s what you need to do in order to get started.
- Create a folder in either the 6B or 6H Technology folder with your names on it.
- Open the GW-PrepBook file from 2012 folder and save 2 copies into your group folder. You should rename the file to Name-PrepBook. (ex: Susie-PrepBook)
- Start working through the book. You must go in order, and may only use the resources listed below.
Research Resources
Mrs. Carrellas, Mrs. Magruder, and I have already found the resources that we would like for you to use. You MAY NOT use Google or Ask without permission. Most of the science research will come from the books that you will find in the science room. Here are your technology-based resources.
- GoogleEarth
- The CIA World Fact Book
- Grolier
- Answers
- Population Reference Bureau (make sure you use the Data Finder and examine the 2009 World Population Data Sheet)
- NASA Eyes on the Earth website
- Temperature Readings
- Sea level rising map