Where can you get the news? How can you get the news? Who makes the news? Who owns the news? Think about how this applies to all forms of media.

Start brainstorming. To do this, follow these directions:


  1. Open Pages
  2. Choose Blank
  3. File Save As> name-media1 (for example: Bob-media1)
  4. Start brainstorming. You can either create a concept map or just make a list. It’s your call.


  1. Go to the Holt Interactive Graphic Organizer site.
  2. Pick any organizer (or organizers)
  3. When you are done, in order to save, you need to create a PDF
  • File>Print
  • Click on PDF and then choose Save As PDF
  • Save the file as name-media1 (for example: Bob-media1)
  • If you need more than one organizer, save the second one as name-media2 or name-media3

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