In so many ways, I am tired of this debate. Screens aren’t going anywhere. If anything, they will only proliferate. In the past, I have really appreciated Lisa Guernsey’s approach.  She advocates that we have to consider the content, the context, and the child. I wrote a bit about this in a previous post; and if you have never watched her TEDxTalk, I would consider it a must-see and added it below.

However, Daniel Goleman and Peter Senge’s book, The Triple Focus, gave me a new lens through which to view the concept. You can read my new post – Reframing the Debate About Screen Time – on Edutopia. Instead of talking about the quantity of screen time, or even the quality, what if we instead look at how we can help our children and students develop the skills that they need to successfully navigate a world of increasingly ubiquitous technology.

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