I should be writing comments. Before Monday, I have 76 left to do. However, I first decided to check in on Will Richardson’s Weblogg-ed. That then sent me to Britannica Blogs (yes, the same folks that make encyclopedias). How cool, I thought – still having about 100 comments at that point. From there, I found out about Michael Wesch at Kansas State University. He focuses on Mediated Cultures. So now, I’m writing these comments and realizing that I have a much larger nut to crack – particularly in terms of really understanding the fundamental shift of my students. 

I wrote earlier about my bafflement with my students and their new-found, or at least more openly expressed, cruelty to each other. I think it’s honestly because half of their interactions now happen virtually. This video that Michael Wesch presented at the Library of Congress certainly solidifies it. I know that it’s long, but it’s definitely worth watching.


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